Events & Meetings

VR/AR technology enhances your industry conferences, corporate events, and meetings both personal and professional. Seamlessly collaborate with coworkers in VR, ensuring productive workflow remotely and in the office. Hosting corporate events in VR facilitates networking and contact info collection, making events easier to attend and more valuable to your brand. Digital avatars relieve tension in high-pressure presentations and emotionally intimate support group settings.

Corporate Meetings

Personalized avatars and seamless virtual environments allow for productive and insightful meetings with coworkers and clients.

Business Presentations

Business presentations conducted in VR are more compelling and comprehensive compared to conventional in-person presentations.

Events & Meetings

Professional Events

Conventions, exhibitions, and conferences in VR allow you to effortlessly network with industry colleagues and liaise with potential clients.

Support Groups

VR breaks down traditional barriers to support group therapy, addressing issues of social stigma and public discomfort with anonymized avatars.

Our Clients & Partners

American Eagle Outfitters